A text about education on National Socialist injustice on TikTok had been planned here. Although the importance of this issue has in no way decreased – social media are once again the accelerators as well as the educators at this time – other words are now more urgent. |
We stand in support of the state and civil society in the democratic state of Ukraine; we condemn all attempts to challenge the peaceful order in Europe, and we reject the instrumentalization of history to legitimize war.
All the lessons and achievements from history – a rule-based world order, universal human rights, and international humanitarian law which protects civilians from military attack – are being trampled over in Europe by Russian rulers.
Meanwhile, support for our Ukrainian partners is in full swing, especially in our support teams. Project sponsors from Ukraine are able to draw down grants more flexibly as well as accessing other funds more promptly within the framework of existing approvals, provided the banking system is operating. We maintain direct contact with our project sponsors in Ukraine and are available for inquiries and requests for support.
We are especially concerned about the plight of elderly survivors of the National Socialist policy of racism and occupation in Ukraine. They are now exposed to acute mortal danger, possible re-traumatization, and the Covid-19 pandemic which is still raging. Here, too, we are in the process of making our support more flexible in order to provide targeted assistance.
Against the background of the final and reprehensible ban on the non-governmental organization Memorial International in Moscow earlier this week, one thing is evident: We need to stand with those in Russia and Belarus who oppose repression and propaganda and stand up for democracy and human rights in new and different ways.
Get involved with us – it's now more important than ever.
Dr. Andrea Despot Dr. Petra Follmar-Otto |
MEMO youth study shows how necessary active remembering is for young people
Young people are interested in a critical examination of the past. This is shown by the initial results of the MEMO youth study, carried out by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence (IKG) at Bielefeld University and funded by the EVZ Foundation. More than three quarters of the respondents – which is more than in the German general population — consider it meaningful to deal with the National Socialist past even today.
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Education Agenda NS-Injustice: Calls for applications launched
With the NS Injustice Education Agenda, the Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF) and the EVZ Foundation launched a new, multi-year funding program in 2021. Historical awareness, living memory of National Socialist persecution as well as projects against exclusion and discrimination are the focus of the funding initiative. The second phase of the project begins with calls for applications relating to the four topics "education in cultural spaces", "education in digital learning spaces", "transfer" and "Europe".
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Apply in the youth program “MEET UP" now!
The EVZ Foundation funds projects on international youth exchange, the training of professionals and participation of young people with the "MEET UP! Youth for Partnership" program. People aged 18 to 35 from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Germany, Republic of Moldova or Ukraine who want to make a difference in their community – whether in the areas of human rights, youth and civic participation or climate protection – are welcome to apply until March 15, 2022.
Call for applications
Research on letters of petition to Pope Pius XII.
At the time of the National Socialist regime, many people who were persecuted attempted to flee as a last resort, but frequently lacked the necessary money or support. In their desperation, thousands of Jews, amongst others, contacted the Catholic Church with letters of petition. The University of Münster (WWU) has received funding from the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ), the Federal Foreign Office and Bayer AG to carry out research on this.
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Escape story as a comic book – soon in 14 languages
After an encounter with the Jesuran family in Nuremberg, supported by the foundation, a comic book was created to tell the story of the Jewish family's escape. This artistic-literary work will soon be available in 14 languages! Young people and adults volunteer to translate it into their own languages. As traveling books, the comics will then be touring various German cities.
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28 new games deal with European history
The database "Erinnern mit Games" [Remembering with Games] has made 28 new games available online. They deal with the National Socialist era, events in German and European history, and Jewish life. The latest additions to the web portal are supported by Dr. Felix Klein, the Federal Government Commissioner for Jewish Life in Germany and the Fight against Antisemitism. The Foundation EVZ funds the development of the database.
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New podcast in memory of Minsk Ghetto
Students from Belarus, Austria and Germany have engaged in an intensive study of the history of the extermination site on Soviet territory, conducted interviews and collected biographical traces of victims and perpetrators as part of a 14-month learning project. The result is the podcast "Malyj Trostenez: Gemeinsam erinnern [Remembering Together]". The audio contributions complement a touring exhibition which is currently on show in Dortmund and can be seen as a virtual exhibition.
Listen to all episodes
80 years ago: the Eastern Workers' Decrees
"We burst into tears when we realized where we were and that we weren't allowed to go out, go for a walk, even go on a bus… then we cried bitterly. Just thinking about how our youth was spent there...three years..." Eighty years ago, on February 20, 1942, Heinrich Himmler issued the so-called "Eastern Workers' Decrees." The National Socialists regarded the forces laborers from the occupied Soviet Union as inferior and politically dangerous people, whose labor was needed in the German war economy. For millions of "Eastern workers" like the Ukrainian Hanna H., the decrees meant exploitation, exclusion and humiliation.
Learn more in the online archive
Journalist work on Sinti and Roma in Germany
A comic, the investigation of a judicial case, and a report on forms of old and new forced labor: The six scholarship holders of the German Institute for Human Rights in cooperation with RomaniPhen examine current forms of antigypsyism and the continuities of marginalization and exclusion in very different journalistic ways and from the perspective of human rights. The scholarships, each amounting to EUR 1,500, were awarded in spring 2021; a large number of the works have now been published.
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Commemoration of the 78th anniversary of the liberation from the Leningrad Blockade
On January 28, Club Dialog e. V. commemorated the complete liberation of Leningrad from the blockade in a memorial ceremony. On the occasion of the 78th anniversary, the exhibition "Der Holocaust in den Augen der Künstler – der Schmerz bleibt haften [Seeing the Holocaust through an artist's eyes - the pain remains]" opened in Berlin. Among the participants were a number of "Blokadniki", as the survivors call themselves. Sixty of them live in Berlin and the near vicinity to this day, organized in the group "Lebendige Erinnerung" [Living Memory].
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Four more seasons of Comic vs. Reallife Helden
"Comic vs. Real life Heroes" digitally presents real and fictional heroes of Sinti, Roma, migrants and BiPoC. Four new seasons are being created. Video episodes on YouTube and Instagram present the biographies of each hero together with a guest. The first episode in the second season about the actress Alba Flores with Melissa Sejdi from Romano Sumnal e.V. has been released.
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Under our heading "Photo of the Month", we are asking you: Can you guess which project this picture is from?
Guess now on Instagram
Anita Lasker-Wallfisch in a digital conversation
On 27 January, the day of remembrance of the victims of National Socialism, ZDF Aspekte asked: "What kind of future would be desirable for the culture of remembrance?" Moderator Jo Schück tested a virtual tool for visitors to address questions to Auschwitz survivor Anita Lasker-Wallfisch. It is the first German-language interactive testimony in the Shoah Foundation's "Dimensions in Testimony" series; it was funded by the EVZ Foundation.
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Digital education as a springboard
Deutsche Welle reports on the project "Recode Your Life": eight young Roma have undergone a free training program to become full stack web developers. The EVZ Foundation supports RomaniPhen and Code Factory Vienna in the pilot project. "I've been wanting to work as a coder for a long time. Now I can really live this dream," said one participant.
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Eine App erzählt Geschichte
The newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, reports on how Frankfurt museums are using digital services to compensate for the sudden drop in visitors caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The focus: three special exhibitions on "Frankfurt and Nazism" as well as a joint project funded by the EVZ Foundation and the BMF for the Education Agenda NS-Injustice.
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Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft Friedrichstraße 200 10117 Berlin, Germany T +49 (30) 25 92 97-0 F +49 (30) 25 92 97-11 Website |
Responsible: Dr. Andrea Despot
Editorial: Hanna Komornitzyk, Katrin Kowark, Maria Krell, Madeleine Rau, Sophie Ziegler
Image Credits: Yana Bondar, Mariam Chilaia, AAV, Segr.Stato, Commissione Soccorsi 296, fasc. 120, fol. 46r., Jean-François Drožak, Stiftung Digitale Spiele Kultur, IBB Dortmund, Zwangsarbeit Archiv, Club Dialog, ROMA youth media, HaWa
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